Beth Ann Ritter
Client Engagement Coordinator
Service Representative
Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.
What I like about Harvest Investment Consultants as a whole, is that we work hard to make sure our clients and our staff feel as though they are a part of something bigger, an extended family of sorts. We are more than the financial transactions we make. When we hold events or send something to a client to recognize a special milestone, it feels like we’re acknowledging someone we have a personal relationship with, because we do.
When Beth isn’t working, she can be found hiking, at church or spending time with her husband and grandkids. She has been hopeful that there will also be a dog in her future that will fill some of that time!

Contact Beth
- 410-561-9040, ext 224
- britter@harvestinvestment.com
4 N Park Drive, Suite 510
Hunt Valley, Maryland 21030 - Let's Connect